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Writer's pictureSarah Todey

Falling back with the Fall Equinox

As the vibrant colors of summer start to fade and the air turns crisp, nature prepares for its annual transition. The Fall Equinox, also known as the Autumnal Equinox, marks the moment when day and night stand in perfect harmony. This celestial event, typically occurring around September 22nd, invites us to reflect on balance, gratitude, and the changing seasons. In this blog post, we'll explore the significance of the Fall Equinox and discover ways to celebrate and embrace this unique moment in nature's calendar.

Understanding the Fall Equinox: The word "equinox" itself derives from the Latin words "aequus," meaning equal, and "nox," meaning night. During the Fall Equinox, the Earth's axis is neither tilted away from nor toward the sun, causing the day and night to be of approximately equal duration. It's a time of balance and transition, symbolizing the shift from the warmth of summer to the coolness of autumn.

Celebrating Balance:

  1. Day and Night: Spend some time outdoors during the equinox, paying attention to the changing light. Reflect on the equilibrium of day and night, appreciating the harmony in this moment.

  2. Meditation: Engage in a meditation session to center yourself and find balance within. Focus on your breathing and visualize the balance of light and darkness.

  3. Gratitude Journal: Create a gratitude journal to acknowledge the abundance in your life. Write down the things you're thankful for and the experiences you cherish.

  4. Balance in Nature: Observe the changes in your natural surroundings. Note how the trees shed their leaves and how animals prepare for the upcoming winter. Connect with the rhythm of nature.

  5. Harmonious Meals: Prepare a special equinox meal using seasonal ingredients like apples, pumpkins, and squash. Share it with loved ones, celebrating the bounty of the season.

Rituals and Traditions:

  1. Autumnal Altar: Create a small altar or centerpiece in your home using autumn leaves, acorns, and candles. Light the candles to symbolize the balance between light and dark.

  2. Equinox Ceremony: Organize a gathering with friends or family to mark the equinox. Share stories, poems, or reflections on balance and change.

  3. Harvest Offering: Make a symbolic offering of the season's harvest to express gratitude for the abundance in your life.

  4. Nature Walk: Take a walk in a nearby park or forest to immerse yourself in the changing colors and scents of autumn. Collect fallen leaves and create art with them.

  5. Fire Ceremony: Light a bonfire or a small fire in your backyard and release written intentions for the coming season into the flames.

Depending on where you are in the world, culture, and religious background you might know this time by another name. It might be simply Harvest time, or if your familiar with ancient Greek mythology Persephone's Return to the Underworld. It might be Neopagan Celebration: Mabon or the Christian celebration Michaelmas or the Feast of Michael and All Angels. The Mayans also celebrated this time of year with the Snake of Sunlight that can be seen slither down the temple in Chichen Itza, Mexico during the fall equinox. Mexican cultures may start preparing there alters for The Day of the Dead for when the gates of heaven are opened at midnight on October 31 and the spirits of children can rejoin their families for 24 hours. On the other side of the world Higan, or Higan-e, is a six-day Buddhist celebration in Japan Higan means the “other shore” and refers to the spirits of the dead reaching Nirvana. It is a time to remember the dead by visiting, cleaning, and decorating their graves. While the Hindu faith celebrates Navaratri a festival which lasts several days in the autumn. The festival honors the divine feminine Devi (Durga) and is celebrated in the first half of the Hindu calendar month Ashvin, which falls in the months of September and October. Additionally Chinese and Vietnamese cultures will hold a Moon Festival for the harvest moon on the equinox.

The Fall Equinox invites everyone across the world to embrace balance, both in the natural world and within ourselves. It's a time to express gratitude for the abundance in our lives and to reflect on the ever-changing seasons. Whether you choose to celebrate with rituals, meditation, or a simple walk in nature, taking a moment to acknowledge the equinox can help you find harmony in this transitional period. As we welcome the fall, let us also welcome the opportunities for growth and transformation it brings.

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